I’m in 3rd grade school is kinda fun, now The reason I say that  is  because of lunch and recess. Work isn’t fun. I’m lucky I got a teacher who gives us  homework  packets  and the only work in  it is a page of english and a page of math,now that rocks.

Now my brother has to put his spelling words in order and a math paper he said that rocks. He said that fun Friday is the best for him. School’s kinda fun for him.

My second grade teacher spelled elephant out loud on a spelling test when she taught 3rd grade LOL.that was the best teacher I ever had. second grade was the best grade of my life.

3 Responses to SCHOOL
  1. Francis A
    May 23, 2010 | 10:07 am

    You forgot to mention that you are 2 weeks away from Summer Vacation!! WOHOO!! You and your brother are very good at getting your work done and trying your best! You didn’t mention how awesome it is for you and your brother to score 100s on Spelling Tests and the special treats you both get!! I look forward to Summer Days…swimming, swimming, and swimming!! 😉

  2. dylan
    May 24, 2010 | 5:49 pm

    byron you are the luckiest kid on earth

  3. Debbie
    May 25, 2010 | 6:12 am

    I Loved lunch and recess too! Not to much longer and you will be a 4th grader!