about snakes their terryifieng. On May/22/2010 we saw one it was kinda scary. I wasn’t the only one to see it though. I freaked out.
then dad went out and tried to kill it.But he lost it. All the kids dashed upstairs. I was lucky dad made it out alive.
we thought it was poisonous.we looked on google to figure out the difference between venoumous and non venomous. If it had a triangle or arrow shaped it was poisonous.Except the coral snake. It was freaky.
I’m glad I made it out alive
It scared us all the way to Uncle Julio’s for some yummy fajitas!! 😉
it,s not scary cool picture
Hudson Tell the truth, thanks.
mom that was funny
dad that was hysterical
Byron…do you have any pictures of your Dad attempting to catch the snake? Now those would be pretty funny!!
Yuck! I do not like snakes!
snakes are awesome………..awesome i tell you…………………………………………………………………………………………………