I try to be humble(my dad says this is good), I have a brother, an awesome mom and dad. I’ve had a broken arm and here’s how: Mom and Hudson [my little brother]and I were on one of those trampolines, mom was bouncing then I landed on my arm.
Anyway here’s a fiction story.Once upon a time there was this squirrel that loved writing all day. Nobody knew where he lived,maybe in a bay.He wrote all month straight in May.Hey the squirrel said to a old dog that was j-walking she still
dildn’t stop so he said j-walker, the end
My name is Byron i’m 9 years old i’m a song writer not on the radio I write
em at home.I love staying up on Friday and Saturday.If your on twitter and look at this blog you might know my parents hipcop and andersonrob twitter names. My mom[hipcop] is a tweet a holic no joke. I have fun mostly.
About mom, she’s awesome she plays football,soccer,and basketball at home with us.
mom has lots of fun mostly.Mom takes us to donuts alot.She’s lots of fun.A really nice mom.
About dad,he’s awesome he plays football,soccer,and basketball at home.He’s a nice dad.He gets us lots of video games.He rocks.
about Hudson [my brother], he’s crazy about sharks and deep sea angler fish. he,s a good brother.
[if you like this blog or not please send a comment if you do or not]
SO proud of YOU!! What a great start!! I look forward to many, many, many, many posts!! You are AWESOME and loving your work!! WOHOO U A blogger!! 😉
This is very impressive, Byron! I can’t wait to meet you, Mr. Talented 9 year-old!
Nice stuff nephew!! Brilliant start!!! Post more, I can’t wait to read ’em!!
That was a great story Byron. Hopefully I can see you soon. We miss u!
Great Story Byron. I loved it! I love you very much and miss you lot’s.
Keep up the good work!
Byron, I am so proud of you. This is awesome writing. I am looking forward to reading more and more of your upcoming blogs. Loved the squirell story. Would love to read some of your songs that you have written. Keep this up you have a wonderful start. Love you.
nice blog where did u get the idea of a writing squirrel.
byron i liked those moves you were doing good start off maybe someday you can teach me your best freind dylan. .p.s. you rock at snowboarding pro
byron you are amazing you little rascal . .p.s. someday you can come over
dylan is going to keep sending u stuff because he wants u to have lots of comments
hi great picture how did you do all that like the picture and everything else
thats funny dakota lol 🙂 🙁 <3
🙁 🙂 😀
poopie pans
Awesome 2.0! Keep up the good work!