Category Archives: Family

My Trip to Seattle

We were at the airport then we got on the plane, I sat by mom Hudson sat by dad. The plane ride was 4 hours so 4 hours later  we rented a car drove to the westin hotel.On monday we went to hike Mount Si [pics are on the previous blog]. It was tough  to…



about snakes their terryifieng. On May/22/2010 we saw one it was kinda scary. I wasn’t the only one to see it though. I freaked out. then dad went out and tried to kill it.But he lost it. All the kids dashed upstairs. I was lucky dad made it out alive. we thought it was poisonous.we…

About Me

I try to be humble(my dad says this is good), I have a brother, an awesome mom and dad. I’ve had a broken arm and here’s how: Mom and Hudson [my little brother]and I were on one of those trampolines, mom was bouncing then I landed on my arm. Anyway here’s a fiction story.Once upon…